Forever Young (1992)
as comforting as a cup of hot chocolate...
16 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I curl up with this movie occasionally because a) it's a ripping little yarn, b) it's got Mel Gibson in it, and c) because it's as comforting to me as a warm blanket or a cup of hot chocolate.

Gibson plays Daniel McCormick, an army test pilot in 1939 who is about to propose to his girlfriend, Helen (Isabel Glasser) when she is hit by a truck and falls into a coma. Thinking she may never awake, and totally lost without her, Daniel opts to be frozen cryogenically by his scientist best mate and be woken up in a year, or when Helen wakes up, whatever happens first. Unfortunately WWII happens and Daniel's cryo-tube is mistaken for a water heater and abandoned in a factory. Enter mini Frodo and his soon-to-be-toothless best bud stumble across Dan in the back of a warehouse and set him loose in 1992. Rest assured that after some dramas, he discovers Helen is actually still alive and is reunited with her at the end in one of the more imagination-stretching sequences in movie history.

That aside, this is a great little film, perfect "date movie", and one I revisit occasionally when I'm in the mood for a "nice" movie. Mini-Frodo is quite good as the boy Nat, who befriends Daniel, and his own little love story in the film is quite sweet "you are my sunshine, my only sunshine..." reminded me of all the silly crushes I had at that age. I also liked the fact that while he was obviously attracted to her, Daniel did not get it on with Jamie Lee Curtis' character, but that the story really was about his "true love". I also liked the whole "man with 30's morals in the 90's" thing, because often I feel that I was born in the wrong decade when it comes to that kind of thing...
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