Doom 3 (2004 Video Game)
Doom 3 is fun, but doesn't life up to the classics
13 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I was really looking forward to this game, and when it finally came out I immediately bought it for XBox because my PC probably couldn't handle it anyway. What I got was less then I expected.

The game is pretty straight-on. The original games had a lot of hallways and big rooms to roam in, but that all slimmed down and ID Software replaced it for the metallic futuristic, and kinda boring small corridors that the game now consists of. Also, the outdoor-levelparts in the game are a LOT more limited then in the original games (for the first time you have to pick up oxygen-bottles that runs out in half a minute or so).

The game does feature some good things though. For instance, the action is good when it takes place, and the characters that guide you through the 'story'-line aren't that bad either. The only problem with this game is that everything is just so damn limited... I.e.: Since the action mostly takes place in small corridors and rooms, you won't be able to fight hordes of enemy's at once, which irritated me a lót. And also, the enemy's in this game don't really vary much. Believe me when I say that you will be fighting imps most of the time, which gets a bit boring to say the least.

The intended scares in the game also didn't really work for me. I can see why someone with no horror-experience can get scared by this, but as a horror-fan you have to pull of something more then the few "boo!"-parts in this game. The game could have been a lót scarier if the developers focused a bit more on gore and demonic artwork. What happened to the blood-splattered walls and the gutted / skinned / decapitated people hanging on the ceiling from the original games? Its obvious that ID Software intended this game for a wide(r) audience...

The boss-fight also disappointed me. Why just one Cyberdemon? And why give the player a load of ammo when you can only kill the Cyberdemon with a few throws of the soulcube? Even the Hellknights were tougher then that! When you create a horrorshooter like Doom, I think its kinda obvious that you have to go out with a blast. Now the boss-fight is just silly, and its the only part of the game that features the Cyberdemon (which looks véry cool and impressive though).

The graphic-engine of Doom 3 manages to keep the game interesting and I gotta say that its probably the most steady game-engine I've ever seen (I haven't encountered any glitch in the entire game). The Hell-levels also looked very cool, but it contains no moving-space what so ever like the rest of the game, which ticked me off! If you are one of the rare people that hasn't played the original Doom-games yet, then you will probably love this in-your-face but limited joy-ride. But if you have been raised with Doom 1 and 2 like me, you will probably be disappointed with this.
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