The Matrix (1999)
Ignore the sequels, this is The One
14 July 2007
"The Matrix" is the driving force behind a string of half-arsed sci-fi/fantasy films (including 2 bloated and inferior Matrix sequels) that have appeared (and sunk without trace) in its wake since 1999. This film had a similar cultural impact to the original "Star Wars" and its high rating is well deserved. Often imitated but seldom equaled, "The Matrix" set so many new standards that it became sci-fi's yardstick for the new millennium.

It has that potent blend of action, adventure, philosophy and sex appeal that distinguishes a classic blockbuster movie from all the summer season also-rans. Name me one other big-hitting action movie from 1999. You're struggling, aren't you?

Of course you are. "The Matrix" was one of the first films to use "Bullet Time" camera effects in its gravity-defying slow-motion stunts. The bone-crunching fights and action sequences were choreographed by a Chinese martial arts master. The soundtrack was littered with catchy tunes. The dialogue was peppered with smart one-liners. The female lead spent a lot of time dressed in figure-hugging shiny black PVC costumes. The set design and CGI was awe-inspiring in scale. Did I mention the figure-hugging shiny black PVC?

"The Matrix" is lightning in a bottle. The Wachowski brothers tried to capture it in 2 subsequent attempts and failed. Fortunately the formulaic sequels haven't dimmed the appeal of the original film.
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