Review of Chaos

Chaos (2001)
Girls Gone Wild
12 July 2007
This movie was sent to me by accident because there are several movies with the title "Chaos." As it turns out, I absolutely loved this film! This is definitely not a movie for everybody. It is really quirky and some people are not going to understand the humor. If you read some of the other reviews, some people don't even realize this is a funny movie. It is certainly not a funny subject.

A middle class couple stand by as a prostitute is beaten up. Later, the woman tries to make amends by tending to the victim, who turns out had been sold into sex slavery. Despite that, it is actually really funny. It ends up being about a war of the sexes and female empowerment.

The movie looks like it was shot on video, but it looks great. It also has a real jazzy soundtrack. All the acting is good and the characters are engaging. You like the good ones and hate the bad ones.

If you like real off beat, quirky films, you should see this French version of "Chaos."
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