Review of Wind Chill

Wind Chill (2007)
The Emperor's New Clothes
12 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
How boring can a plot be concocted? A couple stuck in a car in the darkness and snow quarreling during most of the film, can it get worse? Well, in "Phone Booth" and "Cast Away" it was only one person, but at least they had some other scenery than a snowy road. And how many attempts at horror films have started with a dubious "shortcut"? Was it "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" in 1974, or wasn't that a shortcut? For us who have to drive through winter darkness several months every year, getting stuck in the snow is something of the most tedious traumas we can experience, and we certainly don't want to pay for a movie ticket to watch other people doing it. With or without ghosts.
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