American Masters: Cary Grant: A Class Apart (2004)
Season 18, Episode 6
Realistic doc about a movie star (for once)
12 July 2007
This film made me feel the brilliance of Cary Grant and also made me understand the person a little. A guy born as Archibald Leech he changes his name to Cary Grant and from then on he consciously works on the image of this imaginary Cary Grant.

It is amazing to see a person work at his image this intensely, yet maintaining hold of his actual self. I saw this film completely by accident and I am not at all sorry for seeing it.

It also made me want to watch some of those old Cary Grant movies again. I recommend this for all movie fans, because it not only presents Grant, but the atmosphere and feel of the movie industry "back in the good old days".
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