Bordertown (2007)
6/10 cool idea and prob real but just not well done
12 July 2007
Straight up review: 6/10 (just finished watching... initial impressions)

A deep fascinating film that I assumes is based on real life. Unfortunately it cannot hold a candle to similar films like "City of God", "Hotel Rwanada" or "Blood Diamond". Honestly makes me question whether i want to visit Mexico or not (is it safe?).

Why 6/10?

  • believable and seems to follow possible real life.

  • poor acting

-strange flow

  • I had difficulty relating to the story and the characters, but i was curious and did continue to watch. Most successful stories draw you in to the drama and life of the main characters. Unfortunately the all-star cast Antonia Bandaras and JLO just couldn't do it.

  • most people outside of that area probably won't relate

  • The theme of Corporate Industrialist pseudo 1800s robber barons seemed contrive and poorly tacked on or just didn't fly as well. (albeit it might be true)

=> Cool idea but not compellingly done nor could I relate or be drawn into the story. Good try. Better luck tomorrow! => Movie or Video: if your from the community in question I guess theater but for everyone else save your money and rent.
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