Review of Roc

Roc (1991–1994)
Roc is a Piece Of S@#$
10 July 2007
this show became completely awful in the end. like many, I was raised on Roc, simply because it was put between various shows that I actually enjoyed watching. This show was not "destined to cancelled" as certain intellectual idiots would have you believe, no, it became a piece of crap, As it started out, Roc was actually funny, but, it became a piece of crap because it stopped being funny and got caught up in social commentary and lost the comedy. the thing is that "intellectuals" don't get it, for everyday people life is awful, hard and you have to struggle for every dime that you get, and we don't want to see this when we come home. We, those of us who actually do real work that contributes to the economy, find that we prefer a distraction from our everyday lives and simply wish to be entertained. this is why Roc failed, because it emphasized the struggle we deal with everyday at work. and we, the American viewers, found it disgusting that intellectuals fools had an outlet for personal commentary on society and we did not have anything on any mainstream network that truly reflected our opinions.
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