Get this one into wide release - stat!
9 July 2007
Why can't all comedies be this good? I loved this film. Lisa Ann Walter gives an amazing performance -- her "Dee Dee" is completely charismatic: brash, blissfully un-self-conscious, irrepressible, warm-hearted, stubborn, sassy and hilarious. Kurtwood Smith as her father is the perfect foil for her: the two of them are like oil and water. It is obvious from the beginning that neither character truly "gets" the other--and isn't that true of most parent/child relationships? Through all of the film's kooky twists and turns, Mike Meiners' deft hand at the camera and his right-on-the-money script carry us along with Dee Dee and her father as they develop a real understanding of themselves and of each other. By the end of the film, after laughs galore and several very poignant scenes too, father and daughter have forged a connection they never had before. The film yields up so many comedic gems: the director's own turn as the persistent cop who is increasingly frustrated by Dee Dee is one of my favorites of these -- as is J.P. Manoux's hilarious turn as Dee Dee's ever-faithful "help," Yugo, and Mason Gamble as Dee Dee's gay son Christopher, who does "get" his mother and in a great bit of role-reversal often finds himself having to act as the parent figure in their relationship. The soundtrack is wonderful -- quirky and evocative without being intrusive. Mike Meiners displays a profound understanding of the misunderstandings that can plague parents and their children and tells his story with humor and with heart. For a first full-length feature film, this work is impressive indeed. I look forward to Meiners' next project!
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