Fire and Ice (1983)
Too much
5 July 2007
Bakshi roto-scoped this one to death. He might as well have used live actors.

Sure it looks great, but I lost interest about halfway through. The sword battles were just not enough to cover for the flaws.

The story it self wasn't bad. And Ralphie's father problems rear their head here again. Check the look in the eye of the Warrior son when his King father orders him on a suicide mission to save the Daughter princess. They have NEVER been more up front. And they weren't exactly hidden in Bakshi's others either.

The Frazzeta influence was a nice touch here. Being a fan, I enjoyed that. It's a great looking film at least. But it needed more action I thought. It seemed like a old issue of "Savage Sword Of Conan" at times.

Sword and Sorcery fans will like it. So might Frazzeta fans. Bakshi fans may be a little disappointed.

Rent it only.
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