Doctor Who: Terror of the Zygons: Part Four (1975)
Season 13, Episode 4
"You can't rule a World in hiding, you have to come out on the balcony sometimes to wave a tentacle." Great end to a great story.
5 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Doctor Who: Terror of the Zygons: Part 4 starts the Zygons send the monstrous Skarasen down along the coast to swim up the Thames & attack the capital, they take off & have a jamming device which prevents any radar tracking them. Brigadier Lethbridge Stewart (Nicholas Courtney) has no idea where the Zygons have landed & is helpless, only the Doctor (Tom Baker) on-board the Zygon spaceship can save the Earth now...

This Doctor Who adventure was episode 4 from season 13 & originally aired here in the UK during September 1975, directed by Douglas Camfield I have really enjoyed Terror of the Zygons & it has become a firm favourite of mine, it would be great to see the Zygons make an appearance in the new series but I doubt it'll ever happen as they don't seem too interested in bringing classic monsters back. The script by Robert Banks Stewart has flown along like a rocket & I just prefer these faster moving four part stories as opposed to the plodding six or even the mammoth seven parters. This has been a great sci-fi horror plot that has body stealing themes, good character's, decent dialogue, Sarah Jane in sexy boots & even manages to incorporate the legend of the Loch Ness monster to decent effect. Overall I liked this immensely & recommend it to all.

The acting has been pretty good here, some of the Scottish accents are a touch strong but that adds to the fun. Tom Baker is just class as the Doctor, Sarah Jane is one of the best companions ever & they are both very watchable. Terror of the Zygons was Harry Sulivan's (Ian Marter) last story as a regular companion, he appeared in the show once more during The Android Invasion (1975) in two stories time & that was it. It was also the last time Bigadier Lethbridge Stewart was appear as a regular cast member although he did return in The Mawdryn Undead (1983) & a couple of other times during the 80's. Again some of the special effects here leave a lot to be desired in particular the Skarasen's attack on London although I really liked the organic looking interior of the Zygon spaceship.

Terror of the Zygons: Part 4 is a great way to round off a great story, it's become a personal favourite of mine in fact. Overall across it's four episodes I'll give Terror of the Zygons an impressive 8 stars out of 10.
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