Doctor Who: Terror of the Zygons: Part Two (1975)
Season 13, Episode 2
"There are times Doctor when you do talk absolute nonsense." One of my favourite stories.
5 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Doctor Who: Terror of the Zygons: Part 2 starts as the Doctor (Tom Baker) discovers the disappearance of both Sarah Jane (Elisabeth Sladen) & Harry (Ian Marter) from the hospital. While looking around he finds Sarah in a decompression chamber, meanwhile Harry has been kidnapped by the evil Zygons who intend to take over the Earth with the aid of their huge cyborg monster the Skarasen since their own has been destroyed by solar flares. That is unless the Doctor can stop them...

This Doctor Who adventure was episode 2 from season 13 & originally aired here in the UK during September 1975, directed by Douglas Camfield this is one of my very favourite Doctor Who stories. The script by Robert Banks Stewart is a nice claustrophobic mix of horror & sci-fi, this episode introduces various body stealing & shape shifting ideas that were probably influenced by Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956). The story itself is coming along nicely & while a simple alien invasion plot it's a good one with plenty going on. The Zygon alien monsters are great & I like the way the legend of the Loch Ness monster is used & it's existence is explained albeit in a far fetched manner! This is what I call classic Doctor Who, lots of monsters, lots of fun & lots of entertainment all crammed into four 25 minute episodes!

I mentioned the special effects in my comment for Terror of the Zygons: Part 1 & I have to mention them again here because we see the Skarasen Loch Ness monster for the first time properly & it's far from impressive, while if one was being charitable you might say the basic design & model looks alright it has absolutely no movement at all & doesn't interact with what is happening on screen that well either. I have to give Sarah Jane a mention too, she's one of my favourite companions & she's great in this wearing a cool outfit complete with some sexy boots.

Terror of the Zygons: Part 2 is a great episode in a great story, there are many aspects to this that I like, if your a fan of the show then this ones a must, if you like 70's sci-fi then it's a must & if you want some fun then you could do worse then this. A personal favourite.
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