Masoom (1983)
Rip off from the American movie Man, Woman and Child but done INTELLIGENTLY.
1 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this movie as I saw many other gems while staying awake late night.To my surprise I discovered I had already seen this movie albeit in a different avatar.I had seen this movie as an American movie Man, Woman and Child. Though the plot is almost a rip-off from that movie, the story's been adapted INTELLIGENTLY. The man in question in that movie is a Professor who gets a call in the same way as does Naseerudeen Shah.The family has a friend(read:Suri) whom they visit every weekend.The boy also beats his son in football as does Rahul in cricket.At the end the girls and Malhotra's wife, played by Shabana Azmi take back Rahul home in the same way.The two girls bond to Rahul in the same way.The wife gets the same advice from her friend as does Shabana Azmi. But thats where the similarities end.To suit Indian sensibilities, the girl(Bhawana) does not go naked on beach but they have sex in the middle of the lake, on a boat and Shabana does not ask him how she was on bed. TheIndian version,I found,was equally, maybe even more mature and subtle than the American one. But you have to give it to the Americans as regards the fun quotient and technical superiority. And the Indians score at the music front
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