Parker Lewis Can't Lose: Lewis and Son (1992)
Season 3, Episode 9
A David and Goliath story... Mondo Video vs. POWder Keg Video!
30 June 2007
"Parker Lewis Can't Lose" constantly tackles real world issues and put them in a more PG format. In this case it's the epic battle of the big video store chain vs. the family owned video store around the corner. Time after time the massive chains run the small video stores out of business. Now that the big chain, "POWder Keg Video" has moved into Santo Domingo the family owned video store around the corner happens to be "Mondo Video"... This is a clever episode as it's very realistic. Everything that Mondo Video does great it seems Powder Keg does the same thing, but twice as well. Naturally Parker the thinker he is taps into what Mondo Video can always do better than the big chain and exploits it. It's a bummer that they don't refer back to the status in the war between the two chains ever again in the series. This is one of the best episodes of Season 3 and it wraps up neatly... A little TOO convenient in my opinion :-P
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