Don't waste your time
26 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This irritating little one-trick pony of a film tries to pretend it's feature-length material, and even with ample padding it still falls flat.

I like French films (and European films in general), but this reminds me of the same schlock Adam Sandler, Jack Black, or (fill in your favourite Hollywood madcap here) could have stitched together in two weeks. Being wacky for the sake of being wacky, with no real substance or context (to say nothing of freshness) to bolster it, is not a formula for a winning flick. Similar kinds of nonsense comes out of LaLaLand every week -- sure-fire bankable stuff that's ultimately a sad waste of time, money and talent.

The lovely Emmanuelle Devos is wasted in this movie, which is concerned with a 23-year-old Jewish father who must bury his newborn son's foreskin within three days, which I guess is grounded in Jewish law. Or something. And don't you know, he faces all kinds of problems burying that severed head, so to speak.

Based on this flimsy thread of a sitcom plot, we're taken on an often boring ride for 1 1/2 hours, with twists so predictable that I was fast-forwarding. There's a silly subplot involving a man who feels he's been insulted so he sends three of his henchmen out to seek satisfaction. They, of course, do the Keystone Kops routine: you know, goofy guys who just can't do anything right.

Maybe you have to be Jewish to 'enjoy' this sprawl. I still have my foreskin, so perhaps I'm not sensitive enough.
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