Ta Ra Rum Pum (2007)
Tararararara…entertaining but….
26 June 2007
it has nothing new to offer as it's utterly predictable. It's got those usual songs and dances, crying and laughing, outdoor locations etc. Siddharth Anand's second directorial effort shows improvement over his first (the first one being a ripoff of so many films and sitcoms). One thing I cannot understand is why he (or Yashraj films) chose to shoot the film in America? This could have easily been made in India, giving us more of an insight of the beautiful country. Don't we see New York in Hollywood movies and American sitcoms? Yashraj seems to be embarrassed to show India these days. Are they trying to suggest that India does not have locations worth showing in their films? I really liked Saif and Rani's chemistry in 'Hum Tum' which is why I gave this one a go. I wasn't disappointed where the two actors were concerned. Saif sort of repeats his 'Salaam Namaste' & 'Hum Tum' persona but does a decent job. One may wonder if he's trying to be Salman. Why does he have to take his shirt off in every film? Rani is brilliant and looks supersexy in her new look. Javed Jaffrey finally gets a decent part in a long time. Angelina Idnani is good in her scenes but she shouldn't have done the narration. Ali Haji just tries to be cute. Victor Banerjee has about three small scenes. Yet, he makes his presence felt.

The technological aspect stands out. Sound effects, visuals and cinematography are almost top notch. Background score is intrusive at times. Songs are forgettable but fit nicely with the screenplay.

I watched 'Ta Ra Rum Pum' with little expectation. In any case I wasn't expecting a realistic flick. Hence I enjoyed most parts of it. I wouldn't say it's anywhere near the best films of 2007 but still watchable. It does have its share of excessive melodrama (as almost all recent Yashraj films do) and deja-vu coincidences or accidents. In one sentence, this is more of a family movie, something you wouldn't mind watching with kids around.
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