No Wonder It's Called The Black Hole- IT SUCKS!!!!!!!!!
25 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I recently developed a theory. We believe there to be only three basic types of movies: "Good" movies (movies that are really well done), "Bad" movies (movies that will never appear on a list of greatest movies ever made, but fun to watch) and "Ugly" movies (movies which are so bad, so can only watch them if you're with a friend and you're mocking it). In test of this theory, some a friend of mine and I watched three movies, one Good, one Bad and one Ugly. Titan A.E. was the Good movie and City Heat was the Bad. Black Hole was, of course, the Ugly movie.

Few films could fail so completely.

The first thing that annoys you when watching the film is he music. Music is supposed to support the scene, not contradict it.

Then there's the revelation about the woman's father. It wouldn't have saved the film, but that revelation should have come later into the film.

Then there is the telepathic robot. How a machine can be telepathic is beyond me. This robot, Vincent, becomes more annoying through out the film by quoting people. Sadly he is the character with the most character in the film.

Once on board, the villains ship, you meet robots who can shoot fast moving balls of light. Yet later on, they are unable to hit stationary objects...

After that, the films descends into a series of physically impossible feats. "Physics? We ain't got no physics. We don't need no physics. I don't have to show you any stinking physics." Memorably, in the final scenes the wall of the space ship is breached and yet the fleeing heroes are not sucked into space. I know it was made in '79, but everyone knew that was impossible.

The final scene is meant to be interpreted by the audience. Normally, that would be really cool, but with Black Hole, you wonder what was the point of watching the film.

I try to be fair when judging movies, so while it may seem like I'm ranting for the sake of it, I think I was fair to this movie. Sadly my friend died of internal hemorrhaging from watching this movie, and I was only able to survive but gnawing my left leg off.

So, take my advice, if you're thinking of watching this film, DON'T. I you want to watch something with essentially the same plot watch "Doctor Who": The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit. Sure there is some blatant disregard for physics there to, but at least it doesn't insult you're intelligence.
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