In the Nick of Time (2005–2007)
This is great stuff; don't listen to the naysayers!
18 June 2007
I don't really have a whole lot more to add to the comments made by the first few people to give their opinion on this show which was indeed a breath of fresh air on Greek TV--heck, it was the first time I truly followed a Greek TV series in my life, and I was 22 when it started and have lived in Greece for nearly fifteen years! I've even found myself wishing they'd release it on DVD so I can keep it (a first for me!)--if possible, with subtitling options, so I could share it with friends of mine who don't speak Greek! It really is very good.

However I would just like to point out to people who might be reading these comments to determine whether it's worth watching that it's not worth listening to people like fgeorgiou or sotiris makris--both anecdotal evidence and more official audience figures suggest they're very much in the minority; besides, of those 2 guys, the first is obviously just trying to be contrary, and trying to elevate themselves apart from what they seem to view rather sniffily as 'The Masses' (capitals intended) and the second can't even be bothered to write his rather ungenerous criticism in plain English--he keeps mixing in Greek in key bits of text. Sotiris honey, this is a site in *English*-- if you can't be bothered to write your nasty comments in that language, stay clear cos you're just annoying people.

Right, I daresay I've fed the trolls (*gaaaahhh!*) but I don't want people to miss out on this just because some people are being killjoys (tonite was the closing episode, let's hear it for the DVD--meanwhile youtube has lots of snippets:-)--if there had been more comments I daresay all that BS would have been rather more lost.

Enjoy, folks! I know I have :-)
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