Dark Breed (1996)
17 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Can't believe these actors signed on for this. Guy wearing an Air Force full service uniform shooting a bazooka...I think not. Not to mention the bazooka is a 2-man weapon....Story points are not made clear; e.g., why the possessed astronauts are standing in the middle of the road, waiting for a truck that's hauling a mobile home. Maybe they were just waiting for someone to stop, I don't know. These were good, reputable actors, relegated to a movie that relied on stunts and special effects instead of telling a story. The basic premise is fine, but there's only so far that suspension of belief will go, and this movie requires you to go way beyond it. Could it have been done better? I think so. Use the same actors, get a better writer, and you might have a decent movie.
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