Review of Maxed Out

Maxed Out (2006)
Liberal anti-corporate propaganda BS
16 June 2007
Credit is a tool, a very powerful and potentially very dangerous one, and if you don't know how to use it, or cannot use it correctly then DO NOT.

The producers want us to to feel sorry for these people who rack up debt, and then can't pay it. Not only do I not feel sorry for them, I feel contempt because we the responsible consumers and stock holders of those companies are the ones who have to pay for it.

What I found interesting is that the movie never talks about corporate debt. I wonder if the producers would have the same attitude when the situation is reversed. If a corporation floats junk bonds and then declares bankruptcy, are we to feel sorry for those stock holders that lose everything when the bond holders insist on repayment? Why is the reverse situation not shown as the corporation now being the victim?

The answer is that it's because this movie is liberal anti-corporate propaganda.

I agree there are predatory practices by these organizations. The nickle-and-diming and usury is outrageous, but that's because we as consumers let them get away with it. Nobody holds a gun to our head when we sign up, or make purchases. We know the fee's (or at least should have read the paperwork).

Perhaps what this country needs is debt licensing, where you're not allowed to use debt (much like you cannot use a car) until you've proved that you have a basic understanding of how to use it and the risks involved. Then, I bet you the same people would complain about how the government is now taking away our freedom (to be irresponsible).
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