Have Gun - Will Travel (1957–1963)
Superb Western Drama
15 June 2007
I have three seasons of this Western and am hoping more will be released soon. Once you sit down to watch these episodes you can't stop, as each one is just that good. Richard Boone as Paladin makes you aspire to greater things. He is what every man wishes they could be and fall short of most of the time. These shows always have a moral to them. Violence is treated as a last resort and not as the main reason for making the show. Episodes do not always have a feel good ending, sometimes no one is a winner. The musical score at the end is a rousing piece that sticks with you long after the show is over. The fact that Gene Rodenberry was a contributer to this show is evident as this show is way ahead of other westerns as was StarTrek a way ahead of most science fiction on television and in movies.
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