Lois A Little Too Edgy; Luthor A Little Too Nice
12 June 2007
Superman stops an airplane, and oddly works up a big sweat doing it with a lot of damage done trying to slow the plane down, which he shouldn't have. I thought something like this is no problem, yet he was struggling.

Nonetheless, Clark Kent has surmised that Lex Luthor's invincible armored robot was really given away by him, not stolen, and Lois is impressed. She says Clark is now the second person that is getting under Luthor's skin, she being the first "after I dumped him." The writers of this show, sadly, show their updated morals by having Lois look at Superman and say "Nice esss!" with the obvious sexual innuendo. No, this is not the innocent Superman story the rest of us are used to seeing.

Clark has a good theory on Luthor making a deal with a terrorist associated with the country "Kaznia" and Lois pretty much agrees with him and goes to snoop aboard a big tanker where she thinks the stolen armor (super-sized robot with a man running it inside of him) might be smuggled. Of course, the first guy she encounters aboard ship is a nasty guy with - you guessed it - a German accent! Hollywood has never forgiven the Germans for what happened 60 years ago and can't stop making them the bad guys, even now, even in Superman stories.

On the positive side, the story moves fast, one extended action scene was good, the colors in here are bold and rich and there is a tinge of sarcastic humor that made me laugh.

Also, I have no watched six episodes and went back here to state that things are much better, attitude-wise, and the show has become much better than these opening three shows.
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