Boring, Boring, Boring
9 June 2007
This has got to be one of the worst spaghetti westerns I've ever seen! Need an explanation? Here are my reasons: 1. The combination of hard rock and a western does not work. It's a constant irritation for me, and extremely extracting.

2. Lou Castel has never really impressed me, and he certainly doesn't here. He's a one-dimensional character, at best.

3. Almost no one ever gets shot in the film, they just turn up as a dead body, after the shooting stops. What's that all about? 4. Some characters just disappear from sight, leaving the impression that they are dead.

5. The so-called fancy (spinning) camera work just wears me out! What were they trying to say? Incredibly inane! 6. Boomerangs! Innovative? No, silly would be a better word for it! How tiring! 7. The acting, story, and execution of this piece of fluff is bottom-feeder stuff.

8. It is like watching a group of crazed lunatics, heading for the border, but ending up in a dried-up desert ghost town. (I can only stand so much of watching lunatics like these do stupid things to one another).

9. I'm not knocking the music, it was good, but it belongs in a different movie.

10. Trust me. You have been warned. This movie is a mess.
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