True account of the skinhead culture and changes
9 June 2007
It amazes me how people go on and on about the racism involved within the skinhead scene and how it does not exist. To say Nazi skinheads do not exist and the next sentence defend left and gay skins is a contradiction in terms. Nazi skinheads like left skinheads are political and both simply use the skinhead name to attract new members usually brain dead people who are rejected from traditional skinhead crews. As for gay skinheads not once in my 25 years as a skinhead have I came across an OI, Ska, Left or right crew that accepts Gay members. There is no such thing as a gay skinhead and there never will be. like it or not skinheads have been into violence and racism since day one in the 60s. The West Indians and English kids would often participate in Paki bashing. This film shows the real facts and is 100% without bias. The majority of skinheads like me hate politics, enjoy music, drinking, football and hanging with our mates. If provoked will not walk away! We are simply working class from all backgrounds. Great movie!
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