Great Series
7 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
What a shame this didn't catch on in the US the way it did in the UK.

That it didn't is something of a surprise, even all these years later, given the enduring popularity of the films. Still, in the brutal world of TV ratings, you have to be a hit straight away and this one just didn't cut it where and when it mattered.

The series works all the same, even now. The characters are its main strength, but there are others. An excellent title sequence helps, particularly as the stories it introduces are generally interesting and sometimes moving. Music and scripts are of a high standard and the photography borders on inspired in some episodes.

So, why didn't it catch on in the US? Well, here's my theory: it is very low key in tone and approach. Unless you happened to notice it was in the schedule, there was little to catch the eye.

One side note: Many fans of the series have puzzled over the identity of the individual who "played" the dead Jonesy in the first episode. Well, since he's not even listed on the IMDb, that seems likely to remain a mystery!

Rating: 7/10.
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