Mildly enjoyable, but largely recycled
5 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Broken English is a formulaic romantic comedy about a thirty-year old woman's (Nora, well played by Parker Posey) search for love. This is a story that has been around the block and while director Zoe Cassavetes barely manages to make the film her own (somewhat redeeming) through the many colorful subplots of Nora's suitors and acquaintances. much of the script is riddled with contrivances and stilted dialogue.

Cassavetes discusses some of her film's main themes in an interview: "When I thought of the idea for Broken English it was at a time when I was totally overwhelmed by people asking me whether I was married or had a boyfriend...I think it comes at a certain age where society almost insists that you fall in love, get married and have children." This theme is dealt with primarily in the first half of the film, before Nora meets Mr. Right, but is conveyed in such a way that much of the dialogue feels stiff and forced; the characters archetypal. Nora's parents are presented as one-note slot machines that serve only to question Nora's marital status while Nora continues her seemingly fruitless search.

Most of the romantic-comedy conventions are here. Nora suffers from sexual frustration, depression, anxiety; their source is apparently her inability to find a man. Her parents are a burden. Nora's best friend is the married counterpart and Nora's big romance is put on hold due to her lover's return to France, only to be resumed in a predictable reunion at the end.

Nora goes out on several dates, the first of which is a hilariously self-obsessed and pretentious movie actor, well played by Justin Theroux. Another acquaintance of Nora's provides a more original and charming scene with a middle aged Frenchman who offers her drunken advice. Nora is also deeply moved by a psychic who tells her fortune as she walks down the street. These vignettes make up the film's own voice and creative strength, the rest is mildly enjoyable, but largely recycled.
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