Hollywood Trashes 'Family Values'
5 June 2007
Overall, this movie was pretty entertaining and Terry O'Quinn was fascinating to watch in the lead role. That's why I gave it five stars, because the content and bias deserved nothing.

The message in this movie - and I am not exaggerating, folks - is that someone who espouses old-fashioned family values is nuts: in this case, a thoroughly-demented serial killer! Yup, to Liberal Hollywood, decency equates to insanity while perversion equals good. Having watched tons of movies, I wasn't shocked at this message but I was shocked how blatant it was presented. I mean, have a little tact! What Hollywood won't do to slam "family values."

Supposedly, this movie was "based" on a guy who killed his prior family and then remarried before getting caught. However, be cautious when you see that word "based" because it might mean that only one percent of it involves the real facts of a case. You can bet the screenwriters added their PC bias.

Anyway, O'Quinn carries the film, not just because he has the most interesting role, but he just does a great job with it, which I can't say for some of the females in here.

Supporting actors-aside, this would have been a better movie had the filmmakers' agenda hadn't been so obvious. Don't kid yourself: this story wasn't about some serial killer, it was all about Liberals slamming people who advocate some family morals. It was all about getting in yet more Left Wing propaganda.
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