Hilarious camp
3 June 2007
I was attending the school in central Florida where it was filmed at the time so I'm one of the few people who actually saw this movie in a theater when it came out. Such fond memories -- a friend and I still quote this movie to each other. Dialog, acting, plot, fight scenes, direction; all uniformly bad. The audience was laughing so hard at some points that we couldn't hear the dialog; even during a touching scene where one character was tearfully describing how he became estranged from his father (Y. K. Kim's classic response was one we still quote: "I did not know... you had a father.").

I feel a little guilty for slamming the movie here; by all accounts, Y. K. Kim is a decent and charitable guy. He just has no business making movies.

I doubt this movie is that available, but is probably worth a viewing for pure camp value, with a group of drunk friends.
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