Refreshingly honest and complicated.
29 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I've been flying a lot lately, which means I've been watching a lot of saccharine movies or action flicks where censors have cut out the compelling bits. Everyone of them ends with a clear good guys/good girls get what they want (or at least get revenge) ending. Frankly, I'm sick of it.

So, it was refreshing to see JJ Lask's film On the Road with Judas, a film that squishes time and the viewer's perception of reality. What extrudes are overlapping story lines that meet on a promotional interview of the film-- the "real" characters interact with the "actor" versions of themselves in a cheesy talk show. The story clips pieces from the "real" past together with the movie---so don't be surprised when you find yourself thinking, "But, uh, I thought he was..." I feel like if I say much more about the plot, I'll give a "spoiler," though, I'm not sure if even *I* know what the spoiler is.

Look, I don't live in LA, and I'm not obsessed with IMDb like the folks I met recently in LA, so maybe this review won't help you judge why this movie is worth trekking to the next film festival or tiny showing it is at. All I can say is that I really enjoyed the movie--and I loved how people were normal, life was complex, and how a sense of low-key humor slithered it's way through the film. Take a chance and see it.

*This movie was viewed at SIFF, the Seattle International Film Festival (North America's largest film festival), at the Northwest Film Forum.
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