Crap at its crappiest
28 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
The show is awful. Why? *Terrible acting, especially on the part of the Sprouses (portraying Zack and Cody). They are the worst actors in a television show that I have ever seen. Seriously. Apart from them, acting is mostly OK, but nothing spectacular. *Extremely stereotypical portrayal of all kinds of people, with kids being portrayed as always cute and lovable, and loving hip hop. The Estaban character really, really annoys me. His accent is nothing like that of any Latin-American I know. *The jokes are old and used. I have heard them all many times before. Most of the jokes are lifted from 80s and 90s sitcoms. Back in the early days of the series, sometimes I guiltily laughed once or twice an episode. But now the series has fallen upon days in which the same joke is used over and over again (I didn't laugh the first time Arwin fainted. I frowned the second time. I turned off the television the third time.). *The plots are recycled from those of every other Disney show (Zack and Cody run for class president, the Tipton enters a dance competition, Zack and Cody fight over a girl). *And the homophobic/anticross-dressing tones of the main characters. Carey: CODY, WHY ARE YOU DRESSED UP LIKE A GIRL? Cody: I wanted a bike... Carey: Thank god!

I am within this show's target audience (being 13), and yet I hate this show. Thank you again Disney, with your hordes of third world slaves you have again come up empty handed. I did used to like the show, however, for a couple months, but I soon got bored of the terrible dialogue, annoyed by the over-acting, and disgusted by the homophobia. This show gets 4 stars out of 10, those 4 given because it does entertain my younger sister and all of her friends, and my mom, so I guess the show must have some merit that I cannot see....
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