Angel: Eternity (2000)
Season 1, Episode 17
Here's a thought. Maybe you can get Raven here to coach you, then you'd actually suck
27 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Here's a thought. Maybe you can get Raven here to coach you, then you'd actually suck - This episode was my most hated episode when I bought the DVD's, I found the entire storyline of 'Angel' protecting a famous actress a little stooopid. After a couple of rewatchings I finally understood why Joss Whedon loves it. The dialog is very impressive and I always love it when the whole vampire subject is well used. I also feel a strong connection between 'Angel' and 'Rebecca', I don't know how to explain it but it was a very passionate chemistry. My favorite scene was obviously when 'Angel' turns into 'Angelus', truly one of the best scenes of the show, also when he mocked 'Wesley' and 'Cordy' but they fought back and defeated him. I wish the first season had more episodes like these, with that intense feeling and use of 'Angelus', even though it was only an illusion. ANGELUS: In all my years, I've never killed a famous person before. But with no witnesses, who's gonna believe me? Maybe we can take a picture. I know! We do it like we did back in the day. I'll keep your head on a stick as proof. REBECCA: My head on a stick? ANGELUS: Well... okay. pike. REBECCA: You re just trying to scare me. ANGELUS: Is it working? (9.5 out of 10)
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