Decent Tales of the Unexpected episode.
26 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Tales of the Unexpected: Skeleton in the Cupboard starts as powerful executive Robert Smythe (Charles Dance) gets hold of a letter from a Jane Fisher (Francesca Brill) who is looking for information on someone who used to be a member of the MG club, Robert has a sinister secret & the memories come flooding back when he learns of Jane & her quest. He believes she is looking for him & what she knows could ruin his marriage, his job & his life. Robert decides he needs to take drastic action...

This Tales of the Unexpected story was episode 1 from season 9 & originally aired here in the UK during December 1987, the first of three Tales of the Unexpected episodes to be directed by Paul Annett this is an OK way to kick of the final ever season of the show but like so many episodes it's nothing particularly special. The script by Tony Wilmot is an OK tale that is saved somewhat by it's neat twist although generally speaking up-to that point Skeleton in the Cupboard is a touch predictable, then there's the whole set up of this story which is necessary but rather dull & forgettable. I mean nothing else in these Tales of the Unexpected episodes matter much apart from the twist (when there is one) & if Roald Dahl isn't involved they tend to be rather dour affairs, during this episode Robert's car is scratched & it's mentioned a couple of times but absolutely nothing becomes of it, nothing at all. In fact apart from the ending I don't really remember much about this episode at all & I saw it only a few hours ago, this is watchable at only 25 odd minutes but not outstanding.

This one hasn't dated that badly & it looks alright, it's reasonably well made but the low TV budget does show. Again as usual for this show there's a good cast here including Charles Dance & Zoe Wanamaker.

Skeleton in the Cupboard is an OK time waster & I'm sure fans of the show will lap it up as it pretty much follows a standard somewhat familiar pattern.
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