Review of Room 6

Room 6 (2006)
Another new horror movie ruined by the ending
24 May 2007
When it comes to horror flicks, I'm a nice guy. I am not too picky and I have a very high tolerance for cheesiness and things that make little sense. With "Room 6", I was willing to leave aside the unintentional funny moments and the occasional bad acting, but, unfortunately, the ending just ruined the whole thing, and this is not exclusive of this particular movie. Horror films that came out during the last five years (or so) appear to follow the same trend: a lot of intriguing things happen during 80 minutes and, then, towards the last minutes, something extremely stupid ruins what, at first sight, seemed like a decent flick.

In "Room 6", a young school teacher named Amy, finds herself struggling with very unpleasant circumstances, after a tragic car accident she suffers with her boyfriend, Nick. Amy, who has a phobia of hospitals, decides to face her aversion and looks for her boyfriend... except, the doesn't even know where he is. Right after the accident, Nick was mysteriously taken by two ambulance workers, who refused to give Amy any information about where they would take Nick. Desperate and with no one else to turn to, the young school teacher, hopelessly tries to find her boyfriend in a strange reality, full of people who seem to be hiding something from her and some weird demons on the loose. Simultaneously, another young man named Lucas, who was involved in the same car accident, finds himself in a similar situation and decides to team up with Amy in a search that makes them experience some of the most bizarre circumstances.

I actually believe the story is not all that bad, the problem is that the execution was terribly done. First of all, there are things that simply don't have and explanation and they only add confusion to a simple story that doesn't need all these "comes and goes" that lead to nothing. Also, even though the two leading actors are fairly respected (Christine Taylor and Jerry O'Conell), their acting just seemed... off. Ellie Cornell was the best thing about this film and not only because of her acting, but also because her character, a low-class and foul-mouthed trailer-trash woman, works as some kind of comedic relief.

"Room 6" is not unwatchable, if anything, it is worth the watch, at least to enjoy some eerie moments and creepy imagery, but, in the end, it's just one of those frustrating flicks that leave you thinking "Aw, well, this could have been a decent flick, if they had done [...] instead of [...]".
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