Evergreen (1985)
"Evergreen" (1985) (mini)
23 May 2007
Hello this is NYSunrise.

I for one have seen but only once this movie, and it is now that am wondering where I could get it on VHS but because in DVD is not going to be available. Only it must be American Version and not England Version.

Why I say American version, because once I bought a VHS from a friend in London and their VHS setting was way different from ours. Thank God I had a friend who knew a friend that could make me a copy and change the setting of the movie so it could be seen and transfer it to a DVD still even though I was happy for the gesture, this cost me $75.00 and I was happy but wow I end up pay $145.00 for this movie.

Still I would want to know where if anyone knows, where I could buy this movie. Is a movie that no matter what, it is worth to buy. Its an amazing movie with an incredible ending that would make you cry with happiness. I totally love it.

If anyone has any information in where I could buy this movie please don't hesitate to send me an email at nysunrise40@yahoo.com Thanks for anything anyone can do.

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