Ta Ra Rum Pum (2007)
One of worst Hindi movies ever made!
21 May 2007
This movie could be a very serious contender for title of worst Hindi movie ever made. Not only because of awful nature of the film itself, but because of the expectations people had with movie after director's debut with "Salaam Namaste", the music and trailers.

The movie was expected to make you feel. I wonder what makes u feel good in this movie. I guess it has the same feel good factor, which made BJP's titanic sink in 2004 general elections. This movies seems have sandwhiched scenes of "Days of Thunder", "Cinderell Man", "Telladega Nights" (and God know what other movies) in between dozens of song sequences.

Every passing moment, makes u believe that something is going to happen in this movie. But nothing happens. What happens is a bunch of people start singing and dancing for no apparent reason.

And what happens to the reputation of Nascar after this movie. If anyone new to racing were to take this movie seriously, u would have to believe that Nascar is bloodier than boxing, with the car-drivers bent on killing each other to cross the finishing line first.

All in all, a very bad advertisement for Bollywood (and also for 100s of products which were advertised in this movie).
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