Kinski And Morricone Save This Otherwise Unsatisfying Spaghetti Western
11 May 2007
Alfonso Balcázar's "Il Ritorno Di Clint Il Solitario" aka. "The Return Of Clint The Stranger" is a Spaghetti Western that is mediocre at best, with a storyline that is normally found in American 'Good Guys vs. Bad Guys' Westerns. The movie is, however, saved by two geniuses: Klaus Kinski, who once again delivers a great performance in an excellent role (the only great role in this, otherwise below average film), and Ennio Morricone who delivers the score. The score is far from one of Morricone's strokes of genius, basically one of the scores where you know Morricone just did them for the money and didn't invest too much time, but it is still capable of partially saving the movie and making it a lot better. This movie's highlight, however, is the bounty hunter character played by the brilliant Kinski, who is basically the only typical Spaghetti Western character in this.

The main character of Clint, played by George Martin, is basically a typical 'good guy' who wants to return to family life after five years of fleeing the law. Five years after killing his brother's murderer, Clint comes back to his hometown, which he finds terrorized by a gang of unscrupulous criminals who want to steal the land from poor local farmers. Furthermore, a mysterious bounty hunter named Scott (Kinski) has been following Clint for the reward on his head.

This movie's storyline is not too original, and the performances are not too impressive either. George Martin may fit in his role, and his leading performance is not necessarily bad, but he is not very charismatic, and his character is far away from the antihero characters my fellow Spaghetti Western fans love. Klaus Kinski's character, on the other hand, is the only true Spaghetti Western character in this, and what a Spaghetti Western character he is. Seeing Kinski play a cynical, long-haired, cigar-smoking bounty hunter in a poncho is a true highlight of this movie, and probably the only aspect which really makes "The Return Of Clint The Stranger" worth watching. This particular role, however, is such a great aspect, that I recommend it for every fan of Spaghetti Westerns, even if just for this role and nothing else.

All in all, "Il Ritorno Di Clint Il Solitario" is a Spaghetti Western that would be rather unsatisfying, if it wasn't for Morricone's score and, mainly, for the great Klaus Kinski and the great role he plays. Therefore it is certainly worth watching. 5/10
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