Cala naprzód (1967)
One-of-a-kind comedy
3 May 2007
What a pity that such films are not made any more: I'd call it a lyrical comedy, even though it's by no means sentimental or mawkish, just quite sophisticated. It won't make you burst into laughter, but you'll be greatly amused. The starting point of this comedy is an incidental meeting of two man who once served together in the army. One of them appears to be a successful civil servant, the other is a sailor. Taking shelter from the rain, they start to talk about their lives and it is the sailor who dominates in the story telling. His vivid memories include: an affair with a Lady-Mackbeth-like countess, an escape from drug smugglers' ship, a curse of a sunk U-boot, saving a girl from a harem. In the end it turns out that the sailor is not the only one colorizing his life. Whether we like our lives now or not, we keep living and hoping - it seems to be the motto of this film. An therefore the title:"Full ahead".
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