Watch through your fingers, Alan Arkin's worst ever performance
6 May 2007
As if this film wasn't already awful on so many levels Alan Arkin's 'Southern Drawl' accent attempt added another level all on it's own. Maybe he is supposed to be an anti-hero of sorts? but anti-heroes above all others should have charm and charisma to help their misguided causes, in this case his selfish attitude unlikable demeanor and complete lack of humor and any charm make this film an agony to watch. the best parts of the movie are when he doesn't speak. This lists as the worst screen accent since Al Pacinos Hong Kong Phooey impression in 'Scent of a Woman'.

Insecure types will insist this film is Arty or cult. Don't be bullied into agreeing with them under the threat of 'Oh I see you just don't get it', there's nothing to get, it's a vacant dreary movie, one of those movies where the money should have been spent anything else even on 50 million Bazooka Joe chewing gums.

There is one character (and I wont spoil it) who helps Arkin during a truck break down, he is a very interesting character. Shame the movie wasn't based on him instead.......or even on Bazooka Joe for that matter......now that would be a movie. I can just hear voice over man 'he's a man with a bazooka'

Tain fower gud buddies a huk huk huk

...also I hate it when people give ten stars with the explanation 'it's so bad it's great' or 'fantastic over acting' how can over acting be good, people should have to pass exams to understand the basics of this site, mainly the basics are if it smells like a turd and looks like a turd then it doesn't get many stars.
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