Rapid Fire (1992)
Lee Is Fine, But It's Still Grade-B Marital Arts Fare
5 May 2007
I'm not into a lot of these martial-arts pictures pre-"Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" years, but Brandon Lee was a cool guy to watch. What a shame this son of the famous Bruce Lee died so young.

This picture was good....for the first 15 minutes. Then it descended into the Rambo- mentality mode in which the good guys don't get harmed but all the bad guys do, despite 1,000-1 odds on that happening. In other words, this had no credibility. For example, six people are firing machine guns at Lee while our hero has no weapons.....yet he escapes unharmed. Some of the action scenes look hokey, too. They are so much better these days.

No disrespect for Mr. Lee, but it is this kind of movie that gave martial arts films a bad name in the general public for a long time.
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