Day Zero (2007)
A powerful film about friendship and relations
4 May 2007
"Day Zero" tells the story of three friends, George, a lawyer who's married to Molly, Dixon, a cab driver, and Aaron, a writer. When the draft is re-installed, they get 30 days to prepare for war.

While writer Robert Malkani started working on the script over two years ago, the theme is still very accurate. But "Day Zero" is not a war movie, it's more than anything a film about friendship and relations as George, Dixon and Aaron have to face the truth and they all have to find a way to deal with the emotions that are going on in their lives.

Chris Klein is very convincing and totally believable as George Rifkin. I thought him to be a coward at first but he turned into a very brave person. Jon Bernthal was my revelation in the film. I had never even heard of him before but I thought him to be very refreshing and extremely talented. But Elijah Wood stood out for me and this has nothing to do with me being a fan. Elijah proved once again how talented he really is. His portrayal of Aaron is heartbreaking, funny and convincing. It's fascinating to see him take his character to a very dark place. It just seems so easy for him.

The theme of the film could have easily turned it into an over-serious film. It is, but it also has some very funny scenes mixed with some very emotional scenes. "Day Zero" is supported by great cinematography and a strong soundtrack.

If there was anything I missed, it was character development. While George and Dixon are no-nonsense guys, I found it difficult to understand Aaron's motives.

What I most liked is the fact that the film does not force the answers down your throat. As a European, I haven't really given the subject a lot of thought. But the filmmakers give their viewers the opportunity to make up their own mind, to have their own opinion. Never did I have the feeling that they were forcing their opinion down on me. But it did make me think and that's a very good thing.

I truly hope "Day Zero" will find a distributor soon so that it gets what it deserves: a worldwide release!
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