3 May 2007
I guess compared to some of the abominable amateur digital horror efforts that seem to hit the rental shelves at present, this movie is quite professionally crafted.Which is not say it's good at all just, perhaps, that it could have been even worse. However, director Angel can't seem to decided whether he wants to make a horror movie or a Shannon Tweed flick.

I'll say this, though, Tara Spencer-Nairn is very hot and the more time the camera spends on her and her sweet curves the less you worry about how excruciatingly slow the first hour of the film is and how nobody bar her is much cop at acting. The Djinn in this one is dull and lacking Andrew Divoff's eccentric wit. And the fellow playing her bitter crippled boyfriend is just plain vacant and unlikable.

It's all about sex and sexual jealousy, with some other guff about the Djinn creatures wanting to come to to earth, conquer, order take-away, sow their oats. Whatever, who knows? Certainly not incompetent director Chris Angel who at least is savvy enough to improve on his last dire Wishmaster film but throwing in some cheap thrills to wake you up. He even manages to shoot a genuinely sexy love-scene as Tara succumbs to the Djinn's charms. Shame about the cheesy one at the start..

Notable also for one of worst sword fights I've seen in a film. Knock off two points if you don't watch it under the influence.
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