Review of Day Zero

Day Zero (2007)
America's at war, and three men must ask themselves: What's it good for? What's my share? A perfect study of those who share this fate given by wonderful cast and crew.
30 April 2007
First of all, I was made aware of this movie by friends. And while I was quite an Elijah Wood fan some years ago, I must admit my expectations weren't really that high.

But then I started reading something about the plot and thought, "Hmmm, this *could* be a film worth watching." So, I got myself tickets for the Monday screening at the Tribeca Film Festival. And I don't regret it a bit! So many questions that I have asked myself many, many times were picked up by this movie. Is the war the world is fighting just? Will it help us? Will it make things worse? Why do we feel we must (not) fight? How to justify that? And by having very controversial characters as the main players, you have no problem at all seeing things from both (or rather multiple) sides. Plus, no answers are forced down your throat.

Naturally, there still is a message, but, at least to me, it wasn't, "That's not worth fighting for." but, and that's a message hardly heard, "Suffering doesn't only come from being hurt, but also from (possibly) having to hurt." All in all, I can but recommend this film. A wonderful starting point for having a discussion with your friends (and, even more so, with those you consider do *not* share your opinion on this matter!) So, 10 out of 10 is really what this movie deserves.
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