The Worst Movie Ever Made
27 April 2007
The only thing that kept me watching was the hilarity. They must have gone to a mall and just signed up the first 10 people who said "yes" to the question:"Hey how'd you like to be in a movie"? The photography was glaring,too bright. The sound very unbalanced and the music did nothing except blare! The props all looked "new" in an "era" film. The guy who played the lead must have been told: "do your best Eastwood", he did, and it wasn't. And why did he constantly contort his mouth? The script had no continuity. There were scenes that had nothing to do with the, pardon the expression, plot. Most hilarious of all was the fight scene. The tag line for this movie says "In Peral Harbor, no one saw it coming. In Florida City, one man did". The writers missed the mark. The story was all over the place and never came together to make an ending to live up to the tag line. In legit film schools, it will become the best example of how to do EVERYTHING wrong when making a movie.
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