Demon Keeper (1994)
"May your soul be released from the evil that incarcerates it."
23 April 2007
Demon Keeper is exactly what you expect after taking one look at the box art: Cheesy and mindless entertainment. Roger Corman's producing this one so you know it's on the cheap. The monster make-up proves this. The guy in the demon suit looks bad and they insist on overly lighting his scenes. Had they hid the monster in some shadows it might not have looked half-bad. However, no amount of lighting could help the acting in this film. The only names you'll find here are Edward Albert (who recently passed away) and Dirk "Starbuck" Benedict. Benedict really shocked me with his awful performance. I think he knew the movie was going to bad and phoned it in. So you have to give credit to Albert; at least he tried. He seemed to be the only actor who cared. To no avail though because Demon Keeper is still a bad B-movie and nothing could have changed that. The bright side is that the film was just over an hour so the torture is short. Sadly, this is still better than the sort of crap their unleashing on the direct-to-DVD market today.
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