Review of Dinotopia

Dinotopia (II) (2002)
Crap o Topia
22 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Well I just re-watched the series. What can I say, I was really hoping that possibly, just possibly the second watching might make me see or think of things differently.


What is presented here is a fascist society. A sort of benevolent (if that is possible) dictatorship. I kept praying that someone would wipe that smile off the face of that bitch who ran things. Talk about annoying.

This is the sort of society that makes you actually happy for discontent in ours. There is NO choice in what you do. Ever watch FUTURAMA and the 'job chip in the hand' thing? Same thing here. One has no choice in their lives.Sorry but sounds more like HELL! The acting is so so. The flight instructor was over the top. He was horrible. And this bit of risking your life to get your flying monster? Oh puhleeze. It's amazing how some things just don't translate very well to visualizing it vs how you read it.

No theater? No fiction? No amusement parks? No nothing? Just follow the Dear Leader's way of doing things? No writings, or ability to think for oneself? NO looking for those who are creative, think for themselves, the dreamers, those who want to make things better? Just sheep? The writing made me gag. Who came up with some of this dialog? Did they go to a UCLA film school and choose the worst hack writers? The entire show just made me ill. A backwards society that frowns upon progress? And this is supposed to be a good thing? Didn't we get past all of that in the last few centuries? The show COULD have had such great possibilities but instead fell back on typical hack writing. No originality, no hope, no Nada.

The society presented is to diametrically opposed to itself to actually work. There HAS to be progress or a society ceases to function properly and the morons who wrote this just didn't understand that. When introducing modern thought and ideas to an old society the writers COULD have shown a better society being made, but instead chose the typical Hollywood way of doing things, which is bettering yourself is bad.

Think about it. In just about every single show or movie, it turns out to be a BAD THING when the actors do better in life. Make a lot of money, get a promotion, win the lottery, etc. We are shown that being a sheeple is better than doing good. How many movies have you seen where the promotion turns into a bad thing for the lead? ALL OF THEM.

And another thing, what is up with the professional writers always coming here and promoting junk? Do you know ANYONE who writes like these guys? They are easy to spot. Very easy.

This show is just further proof that hack writers own Hollywood.

Crap o Topia indeed.
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