Review of Dinotopia

Dinotopia (II) (2002)
A horrible rendition
22 April 2007
If there is a rainy day and you just happen to find nothing else on TV this might be worth watching. Or if you were a fan of the original books then you'll probably want to see how the miniseries does it justice. Otherwise, skip it. The script is horrible, some of the worst dialogue you'll ever bear witness to. The acting by the two main characters is atrocious, putting about as much emotion and empathy in the lines as a junior high play. The graphics aren't...horrible, for the budget this movie was shot on they're OK. However, there are so many points in the series that you wonder "Why are they doing that? Just keep going, or why would they have this if there are dinosaurs?" For people who can think and reason, this will frustrate you to no end.

As a kid my mom used to read me and my brother the Dinotopia books. Wonderfully written, amazingly illustrated, and somewhat of a weight-room for the young imagination. This is none of that. None of the characters are the same, very, VERY basic plot events are kept in the movie. This is an incredible story, would someone, please anyone in Hollywood do a remake of this film in the proper fashion.

As for what the movie's messages are; nothing you couldn't find by watching an hour and a half on ABC Family channel. Has about the same credibility as an Uwe Bowle movie.
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