This was my father's composition
22 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Beynelmilel Amsterdam has a large Turkish population and this was my first Turkish movie of life. I went to see this movie because I read good review of this movie.

The story is in a small town in Turkey in 1982 where the local military head hires a musical troupe to play for the arrival of their chief. The lead maestro's young daughter and her lover boy are influenced by communism movement. One day on hearing a communist song being secretly played by the daughter the musician assume it as an international song (thus the name of the movie) and composes a musical piece for the arrival of military chief. It is only during the last performance that everybody realizes the performance is of a communist song. The movie is a light arty comedy with a simple love story woven in it. But the ending of the movie is sad.

Cezmi Baskin as the musician has played his role with ease, his daughter's role is played by beautiful Ozgu Namal; her lover's role is played by Umut Kurt. There are lots of other character actors who have all played their role nicely.

This is the first directoral debut for Muharrem Gulmez. He has given a simple, light hearted approach to the serious topic, and it is there within his low budget parameters he excels to keep things real and enjoyable.

I am from India and I do not understand Turkish, but seeing the movie reminded me of the 1970's era of Indian movie where there were many art movies made on the backdrop of communist movement.

Just a trivia –There were 9 Turkish ladies who had come to see this movie and I think this was also the first movie of my life when I was the only male in the audience.

(Stars 7 out of 10)
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