Surreal series for young children - superbly narrated by Derek Jacobi and surprisingly addictive...
19 April 2007
The series takes place in a woodland which appears out of the stars - a magical idea carried out with absolute lack of sentimentality. This garden world is peopled chiefly by heavily padded, stylised toys operated by actors. Providing variations in scale are the huge balloon people - the Harboos - and the Pontipines, who are clothes peg sized. The main characters are Upsy Daisy and Iggle Piggle, and their smaller pals, Makka Pakka and the three Tombliboos. These pursue gentle activities around the garden, travelling in the magnificently eccentric Pinky Ponk (flying machine with pink breast-shaped balloon on the front) and Ninky Nonk (fabulously bizarre train - each carriage elaborately designed for its variably sized occupants). There's some kissing - Upsy Daisy kisses everyone and everything, imbuing them with vigour and happiness - but mostly just characters interacting, losing and finding things, making funny noises and eventually going to bed.

It's all very endearing and strangely compelling - due in large part to the fact that all the intelligible speech is narrated by the incomparable Derek Jacobi, who manages to imply irony and innuendo where quite possibly none exist.

My only gripe is the variable scale: in one shot, Upsy Daisy will tower over the Ninky Nonk, and in the next, she'll walk up 15 steps into her carriage... The Tardis must have relations out there among the stars.

Nonetheless, the series is required viewing for everyone under 5, and everyone over that age who still maintains a sense of wonder.
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