Terrified me...
19 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this film when I was about 13 or so on video and to this day remember how much it scared the life out of me but I couldn't recall the title...until searching on here.

Stand out moments (from what I remember) included those photos in the locked room with the staring eyeballs, soft focus of Karen Black going slowly bananas and Oliver Reeds head smashing through the windscreen.

There's a distinct purity to 70's/early 80's horror flicks - I'm not sure if its due to the fact that I was more impressionable as a youngster or simply of a different generation which can view that time frame as magical and mysterious - films such as Don't Look Now, Clockwork Orange et al have a honesty which transfers the impression of threat and fear with unflinching skill. Compared to latter day stuff such as What Lies Beneath (random pick by the way) for example are watered down so much, bogged down by cynical corporate money spinning, they leave me cold.

Burnt Offering left a lasting impression on me but I've never been able to hunt it down, now I'm on a mission to find it for another viewing - maybe exorcise some demons at the same time (pun intended). NICE ONE IMDb
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