Low-budget film-making at its best
18 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Wherever they go, the members of the motorcycle club known as The Scorpions seem to wind up the target of local law enforcement. They can't even drive their motorcycles down the road without drawing unwanted (and unneeded) attention of the local "pigs". But things escalate during a Scorpions wedding in the middle of the field. A girl is raped in a nearby barn and the police and the girl's parents blame the bikers. A few of the local yahoos, including the real rapist and the girl's father, decide to take matters into their own hands. Regardless of the Scorpions' guilt or innocence, the stage is set for a final showdown.

Northville Cemetery Massacre proves that you don't need a big budget to be effective. On a budget of about $1.58, Northville Cemetery Massacre is able to be an entertaining, thought provoking, and unique experience. This is low-budget film-making at its best. Northville Cemetery Massacre's got more atmosphere than a movie with 100 times the budget (actually, I think the movie's low budget helped to contribute to this). I usually reserve the word "atmosphere" to describe horror movies, but it is more than appropriate here. The movie comes off as gritty, dirty, and very realistic. Most of the cast is made up of the members of a real biker gang from Detroit. These aren't actors. And while it does show negatively in some scenes, overall, the real bikers add a sense of realism you couldn't get from a bunch of Hollywood actors. They dress, talk, look, and act like bikers. The final showdown is very nicely done with action, gunplay, and blood galore. And I thought the special effects looked great. I wouldn't doubt that most all of that $1.58 budget I mentioned went into the final scenes. Finally, another highlight is the score by Mike Nesmith (yeah, that Mike Nesmith). Most similarly budgeted films do not have music this good.

If you're into low-budget 70s exploitation, Northville Cemetery Massacre is one you shouldn't miss.
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